Owen Douglas McKinlay was born on November 14, 2008 in San Antonio, TX to Mary-Kathryn and Alex McKinlay. He weighed in at 9 lbs. 7 oz and was 21 1/2" long. I went to play "Grammie" and loved being with the family!
Baby Owen likes to sleep, eat and be held and loved the best!
Baby Owen checking out his Daddy!
Baby Owen Douglas!
Our little newly born army ranger Owen Douglas McKinlay!
Mommy Mary-Kathryn, Daddy Alex and Baby Owen
Izzie, Mary-Kathryn, Alex and Baby Owen!
Izzie, Beautiful Mommy Mary-Kathryn and Baby Owen pose for their picture!
Alex bouncing and soothing Owen while watching BYU best Air Force, studying medicine, fielding "on call" calls from the hospital and his Elder's Quorum all the while remaining a Red Sox fan!
Daddy Alex, Baby Owen and Grammie!
Izzie, Daddy AJ, Grammie, Halle and Baby Owen!
Cute Halle loves to color and goes to nursery once a week!
Izzie, Halle and Daddy love Baby Owen!
Pretty and Bright Izzie is in Kindergarden this year!
Izzie models her new outfit from Grammie and Bumpa!
Halle modeling her new Elmo outfit from Grammie and Bumpa!
Halle giving Baby Owen a kiss while Izzie holds Owen.
Izzie giving Halle as kiss as Halle holds Owen who is a little frightened about the whole thing!
Izzie and Halle getting ready to view Tinker Bell, a gift from Grammie and Bumpa!
Halle (3 on Nov. 30 and Izzie)
Isabel (Izzie) is 5 and loves to hold Baby Owen - isnt' she something???
I love all these pictures - what a good lookin' family! Looks like you guys had tons of fun :) Can't wait to see you next week!!
That is one cute baby. That was my first view. Man you make cute grandkids if I do say so myself.
What a darling family. Can't wait to see them all in person one day. Everyone looks so happy! - La La
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